DrameAmanda and the A-Team make it down to Mexico where they confront Malavida Valdez and his army in order to rescue Al Massey from their clutches. Now hooked on their exciting, soldier of fortune way of life, Amy asks to become a permanent member of the A-Team. Every band of mercenaries has to have a girl, so they all agree to let her join.
DrameThe chaos of an urban, public hospital emergency room and the lives of its devoted doctors and staff, a Chicago building collapses, and everyone in the ER must overcome personal dramas to save lives.
DrameLady Love se rend à Windsor et le Roi Édouard II lui apprend le destin du Ventrishire. De retour au château Ventris, Milus et les autres reçoivent une visite du Baron Pryce.
DrameMika est aux prises avec un problème personnel qui pourrait bouleverser sa vie. Bailey et Ben essaient de faire la part des choses entre professionnel et personnel. Levi tisse des liens dans un endroit inattendu. Jo et Link reçoivent des nouvelles surprenantes.
DrameMike Kresteva takes his case against Reddick, Boseman & Kolstad to a grand jury, but the firm devises a grand jury strategy of their own to hamper Kresteva’s efforts. Colin finds himself in an awkward position in court. Carrie Preston, Matthew Perry and Aaron Tveit guest star.
DrameAlors que le Comte de Surrey s'efforce de gagner de l'influence, au cas où le Roi Henry viendrait à mourir, l'Archevêque Gardiner fait la guerre aux partisans protestants au sein de la cour royale.
DrameAfter landing tech mogul Neil Gross as a new client, the firm is tasked with figuring out a way to combat hate speech on his social media platform. Maia’s suspicions about her father grow after Uncle Jax pays an unwelcome visit. Lucca and Colin’s romance heats up. Carrie Preston and John Benjamin Hickey guest star.
DrameThe senior members of the White House staff are summoned to the office early in the morning to handle difficult situations: Hundreds of Cubans are on their way across the Atlantic Ocean in search of freedom; and klutzy President of the United States Josiah Bartlet accidentally sprained his ankle riding a bicycle into a tree. Some members of the staff experience crises of their own. Sam discovers the law student he slept with last night, Laurie, also works as a high-priced call girl. Josh's former lover and fellow campaign worker, Madeline "Mandy" Hampton, now dates and works for a senator who might vie for the office of Pr