SportLe 10 novembre 2001, Diego Armando Maradona fait ses adieux au football devant des dizaines de milliers d'adorateurs en délire massés dans le stade de la Bombonera. C'est là que le "gamin en or" a débuté vingt-cinq ans plus tôt, à l'âge de 16 ans, avec son club fétiche, le Boca Juniors, emblème des pauvres de Buenos Aires, dans une Argentine muselée par la junte du général Videla. Le voici en noir et blanc, visage pur sous les boucles brunes, repéré à 12 ans par la télévision officielle et déjà doté d'un instinct sans pareil du ballon rond, qui confie ses deux rêves : jouer la Coupe du monde et la gag
SportRejoignez la communauté ZUMBA®, le concept qui a révolutionné la façon de faire du sport dans le monde entier en alliant la fitness à la danse ! Fun et efficace, découvrez un programme complet d'entrainement facile à suivre et idéal pour débuter ! Beto Perez, le créateur de la ZUMBA®, vous poussera à vous dépasser au rythme de musiques latino pour brûler des calories et avoir un corps de rêve avant les vacances ! TROIS SESSIONS DE DANSE-FITNESS AVEC DES NIVEAUX PROGRESSIFS: 1. PAS À PAS Apprenez les pas de base qui vous seront indispensables pour suivre les 4 rythmes fondamentaux d’un cours de Zumba®. 2
SportÀ l'occasion des 40 ans de la finale qui avait opposé en mai 1976 l'équipe de Saint-Étienne au Bayern Munich sur la pelouse de Glasgow, retour sur une épopée inouïe, tout en images de l'époque et émaillée de témoignages inédits. Un document rare et exceptionnel, produit avec le concours de l'INA et de l'AS Saint-Étienne.
SportJeremy, Richard and James drive three super cars through France to the Millau bridge, Jeremy test drives the new Ford Focus, and Dr Stephen Ladyman MP, UK Minister of State for Transport, is the star in the reasonably priced car.
Sport(6–4, 6–4, 6–7(5), 6–7(8), 9–7) Rafael Nadal held off an incredible fightback from Roger Federer to win his first Wimbledon title and end the Swiss star's reign at the All England Club.
SportThe team travel to Norway where they attempt Olympic events - in cars. A rocket-powered mini is fired off a ski jump, Jeremy and James tackle the biathlon with 4x4s, Richard stages a game of car ice hockey, and the new Jaguar XK races a speed skater.
SportOne of the most keenly anticipated matches in the 2007 Rugby World Cup was the New Zealand v France Quarter-Final, which required a patriotic second half rally from the host nation to overhaul the tournament favourites.
SportJeremy, Richard and James head for the Isle of Man to decide which is best: the new Aston Martin, the V8 Vantage, BMW M6 or Porsche 911 Carrera S. A Supercar, the Ascari KZ1, takes to the track and the star in a reasonably priced car is Trevor Eve.
SportThe new Pagani Zonda F takes to the track, and record breaking yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur is the star in a reasonably priced car. Also, can you buy a decent used mid sized engine Italian super car for under $15,000?
SportThis slower paced routine walks you through the basic yoga poses, including Mountain, Plank and Cobra, and guides you through simple bends and twists.
SportJeremy (driving the new Bugatti Veyron) races James and Richard (in a plane) from Alba in northern Italy to the top of London's NatWest Tower. Richard also tests the new Marcos on the Top Gear track. The star in a reasonably priced car is Nigel Mansell.
SportOne of the Rugby World Cup's most breath-taking semi finals was between France and New Zealand in 1999, in which the Twickenham crowd were treated to a 43-31 French victory.
SportNew instructional Film providing the ultimate in Surfing Techniques, whether you're a complete beginner or an advanced surfer looking to perform maneuvers to the highest level. Finally an instructional that not only delivers for beginners but for surfers of every level. With detailed blow by blow footage and clear explanation it's hard to think of a surfer who wouldn't benefit. ( Packed with hot footage and useful tips, 110% Surfing is an ideal visual introduction to surfing for beginners of all ages and abilities, and intermediates can learn a lot from the step-by-step manoeuvre breakdowns. (Carve Magazin
SportTurbo will not give your car an extra power boost or shave seconds off your quarter mile- but it might, just might, change the way you think about skiing. Turning it up a notch once again Level 1 followed their crew of dedicated skiers throughout North America in the unforgettable season of 2008. - Tom Wallisch, Ahmet Dadali, Mike Hornbeck, and JF Houle get down to business with urban adventures across the Midwest and Quebec, redefining technical jibbing, and setting a new bar on what's possible; Tanner Rainville, Stefan Thomas, Wiley Miller, and Steele Spence shred neck deep pow and bring their brand of freestyle to techn
SportThe fun crew of Travis Rice, Mark Landvick, DCP and Curt Morgan set off to Canada with high expectations for what is to be the first shoot of The Art of Flight Movie. After stress at the border, the team arrives in Canada only to find bad weather, high avalanche danger and risky helicopter situations. When Mark Landvick gets caught in an avalanche, what was supposed to be a great beginning, turns into a scary, expensive and a rough start for The Art of Flight production.
SportAprès 67 ans de bons et loyaux services, le Land Rover Defender part à la retraite ! Pour célébrer cette carrière hors norme, Land Rover sort un ultime modèle : le Defender Héritage. Philippe lui rend un dernier hommage, sur la base militaire de Canjuers, en le confrontant aux véhicules militaires. Bruce et Le Tone vont, quant à eux, être confrontés à un nouveau défi : essayer les voitures électriques. Difficile de qualifier ces voitures de rapides et sexy. Et pourtant Le Tone et Bruce testent une BMW i8 et une Tesla Model S P85D, deux véhicules très futuristes qui ne manqueront pas de vous surprendre. Côt
SportAprès une première saison réussie, nos trois animateurs reviennent en 2016 avec de bonnes résolutions : Philippe prendra un cours de drift avec Bruce, Le Tone pilotera une monoplace, Bruce participera à une course où il ne sera pas certain de gagner, pour une fois. Mais surtout les trois s´engagent à ne plus casser des voitures gratuitement ! Parviendront-ils à tenir ces belles résolutions ? Direction les Monts du Cantal pour cette deuxième partie, un paysage immuable depuis 3 millions d´années, depuis la dernière éruption du plus grand volcan d´Europe. Ici, le silence absolu est gage de survie, personne n
Sport(7-6(7), 4-6, 7-6(3), 2-6, 6-2) Roger Federer emulated Bjorn Borg by winning five straight Wimbledon titles but he was given a huge scare by Rafael Nadal in this classic final.
SportTough Enough, is the name of the 400 meter route in the Tsaranoro Valley in Madagascar first climbed by Arnaud Petit, Stéphanie Bodet, Sylvain Millet and Laurent Triay in 2008. Their only objective was to free the 10 pitches - many rated 8a and harder - on this African bigwall. Laurent Triay went with the team and filmed the climbers on the trip. The film traces their great adventure and shows the life of the people of Madagascar and its amazing landscape.
SportLongtemps boudé, critiqué, rejeté à cause de son esthétisme, le Multipla ne fait pas l'unanimité auprès des amateurs d'automobiles, c´est d´ailleurs la cible favorite de nos trois animateurs. Dans cette quatrième émission ils vont avoir comme défi de customiser cette voiture familiale pour la rendre plus cool et plus attractive. Dans cette deuxième partie d´émission le Tone va comparer 3 voitures familiales allemandes : une Mercedes A45 AMG, une BMW M135i et une Audi RS3. Laquelle de ces trois super compactes va remporter les suffrages de Tone ? Côté plateau, le rappeur et acteur JoeyStarr ainsi que la pr
SportC’est le grand retour à Paris pour nos trois animateurs qui disent adieu au circuit mythique de Troyes, mais au moment de partir ils réalisent qu’ils n’ont plus de voitures. Ils doivent donc se rendre dans une casse pour récupérer un véhicule. En deuxième partie d’émission, Tone part pour Serre Chevalier où il va défier les coureurs de haute montagne, Michel Lanne, vice-champion du monde de skyrunning en 2014, et Maud Gobert, championne du monde de trail en 2011. Il fera aussi la rencontre inattendu du Jury de « Danse avec les Stars », Chris Marques. Dans cette course Man vs Wild, le Tone suivra la route
SportThis fast paced programme includes tries from some of the sports greatest players such as David Campese, Jason Robinson, Rupeni Caucau, Shane Williams, Bryan Habana and the highest try scorer in tournament history Jonah Lomu.
SportLe Tone et Philippe Lellouche vont tester deux voitures dont la puissance est similaire mais dont le prix varie du simple au double. La différence de tarif entre ces deux voitures est-elle justifiée ? Dans cette deuxième partie, Le Tone met au défi son compère et brillant pilote Bruce Jouanny. Et si Bruce n´était pas le meilleur pilote de la bande ? Tone est convaincu qu´il peut rivaliser avec lui à condition qu´il choisisse le terrain de jeu, la voiture et les exercices. Le rendez-vous est pris à l´aérodrome de Melun Villaroche pour une série de tests made in Tone. Qui remportera le défi des pilotes ? À l'
Sport(5–7, 7–6(6), 7–6(5), 3–6, 16–14) Andy Roddick’s serve was broken just the once, in the 77th game of a 77-game Wimbledon men’s final. Federer made that one needed break of Roddick’s delivery, after more than four and a quarter hours of play on Centre Court, making Federer the first man to win 15 grand slams, and to regain the world No 1 ranking.
Sport(7-6, 5-7, 6-4, 6-7, 7-5) Sampras, gunning for his fifth straight title, which would have equaled Bjorn Borg's record, was silenced in a five-set thriller by a composed teenager with a tantalizing array of shots.
SportEt si on revenait 30 ans en arrière pour retrouver nos 3 animateurs à bord de leur voiture fétiche ? Aujourd´hui ils n´ont pas changé et c´est au parc Nigloland qu´ils se sont donnés rendez-vous pour faire une partie de Colin Maillard, de Cache-Cache, de Chamboule Tout et de Chaises Musicales. Tout ça en restant dans la voiture de leur rêve. C´est sur le circuit mythique des 24h du Mans, privatisé pour l´occasion, que Bruce nous donne rendez-vous à bord de la Porsche 918 Spyder, une voiture hybride de 800 chevaux minimum, allant de 0 à 100 en moins de 3 secondes. Côté plateau, Philippe Lellouche reçoit l
SportJuillet 2005. C'est la rentrée au FC Nantes pour Pacho et ses copains, qui doivent affronter d'emblée le plus dur : la préparation physique. Né en Colombie et adopté à l'âge de 4 ans, Pacho est résolu à faire bonne figure. Mais l'entraîneur n'est pas le seul à décider. Les machines ont aussi leur motà dire. Grand défi de ce début d'année : les check-up hospitaliers, dont un test cardiaque éliminatoire.
SportDans cette 7ème émission Philippe Lellouche, Le Tone et Bruce Jouanny vont vivre l'expérience des JO façon Top Gear. À bord de voitures ultra polyvalentes et sportives, nos trois animateurs vont concourir aux 4 disciplines Olympiques revisitées. Ils vont ainsi passer les épreuves d´athlétisme, de lutte, de Pétanque et de Biathlon. Qui remportera la médaille d´or ? Concilier design vintage et fiabilité c´est désormais possible grâce à l´AC Cobra MKVI GT que Philippe teste pour nous sur le circuit désormais mythique de Troyes. Côté plateau Philippe Lellouche reçoit les acteurs du célèbre film « Qu´e
SportWe bring you the very best Barclays Premier League goals from the 2012-2013 Season. On the menu are the season’s fabulous Free Kicks, scintillating saves, the very worst misses, the race for the golden boot, our Match of the season and a tribute to Sir Alex Ferguson’s swansong season with the champions Manchester United.
SportThis must see programme for any rugby fan we will bring the memories flooding back as it takes a look at golden games, individual brilliance and close encounters that have defined the tournament.
SportDans cette cinquième émission, nos trois animateurs vont réaliser des cascades à bord de leur voiture de série TV préférée. Tone choisit la Ford Torino de « Starsky et Hutch », Bruce la Pontiac Firebird Trans Am de « K2000 » et Philippe la Delorean DMC-12 de « Retour vers le futur ». Cependant Alain Adeur, leur professeur de cascades leur explique qu'ils ne pourront repartir avec les 3 voitures que s'ils obtiennent leur permis. En deuxième partie, Top Gear recevra l'ancienne Miss France Valérie Bègue qui testera en compagnie de Bruce et de Tone la Radical et la Caterham, des voitures de circuit spécialeme
SportJeremy Clarkson tests the new Porsche Cayman S, James May and Richard Hammond tests the best boys' toys in the world, and the Audi RS4 competes with a speed climber in the Verdon Gorge. The star in the reasonably priced car is footballer Ian Wright.
SportHave you ever loved something to the point that it becomes what you live for? Meet Clay Marzo whose passion for surfing is so pure it defies description. Take a visually stunning and emotionally powerful journey through his life. See Clay literally come alive in the ocean as he destroys the waves of Tahiti, Fiji, Hawaii, France, Spain and Australia with his wildly creative surfing. You'll also experience inspiring testimonials about his incredible talent from the most legendary surfers in the world. The story also showcases an awareness-raising glimpse into his life and mind as he comes to understand both the gifts and cha
SportDans cet épisode inédit de Top Gear France, Philippe, Tone et Bruce vous proposent de découvrir les images inédites de la saison 2 à commencer par un bêtisier qui restera dans les annales de Top Gear. Depuis le studio de Top Gear, devant un public déchaîné découvrez une course délirante dans une carrière abandonnée, une virée en montagne entre Tone et Chris Marques le juré de Danse avec les stars, mais aussi une course entre un Land Rover Defender piloté par Philippe et un char Leclerc, sans oublier un défi loufoque où les animateurs ont customisé des Fiat Multipla.
Sport(1-6, 7-5, 6-3, 6-7 (16-18), 8-6) Sweden's Bjorn Borg took on temperamental 21 year-old American John McEnroe at Wimbledon in 1980. With vastly different styles, the two forged a strong rivalry that make electrifying viewing.
SportHello World will deliver inspired filmmaking and technical freestyle snowboarding at its highest level. A few highlights to look for will include a rare visit to the war torn streets of Bosnia Herzogivna as well as shredding the pow of the Middle East. Rider Line Up : BENJI RITCHIE, MIKEY RENCZ, JESMOND DUBEAU, WILEY TESSEO, DEVUN WALSH, CHRIS DUFFICY, DAVE SHORT, EERO NIEMELA, TADEJ VALENTAN, CHRIS RASMAN, JF FORTIN, MARIUS OTTERSTAD, VERA JANSSEN, CRAIG BEAULIEU, GAETAN CHANUT, AND FRIENDS...
SportDans les vestiaires, les apprentis joueurs en prennent pour leur grade. Mécontents de leurs piètres performances lors du championnat, le coach n'épargne personne. Tout le monde doute, y compris Fréjus, le défenseur camerounais. Pour lui, la situation n'est pas facile. Il doit jongler entre les exigences du centre et celles du lycée, car il s'est promis d'obtenir son bac cette année. Éprouvé par ce début d'annéedifficile, il décide de rejoindre ses parents au Cameroun pour faire le point.
SportJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through the ancient flowing sun salutations, a sequence of poses that has been done for around 2,500 years. The sun salutations help build strength and flexibility while increasing your mental focus and concentration. Sun salutations also stimulate your lymphatic system helping your body naturally eliminate toxins, and your lungs produce more oxygenated blood. This series of poses is considered the mother of all yoga sequences and is practiced by yogis worldwide.
SportTwo of the greatest wakeboarders, Adam Errington and Parks Bonifay take a road trip together, showcasing and filming their wakeboarding skills in some of the most spectacular locales in America. First to Washington’s Radar Lake- a wakeboarding Mecca, then to Lake Powell with pro wakeboarder, Danny Harf. They create astonishing moments on the most beautiful bodies of water in America as new settings raise athletes to greater heights.
SportAntoine Montant, Francois Bon, and Hervé Cerutti aspire to integrate climbing, flying, and skiing in the sport of Speed Riding. The athletes challenge the mountains of the French Alps near Chamonix. Antoine, named the fastest speed rider, encounters an avalanche. The three athletes attempt to conquer one of the most famous and dangerous walls in the Alps. Antoine then takes on a riskier line and tempts his fate.
SportThis film shows extreme skiing at its best, mixing creativity, feeling and pleasure. It is especially a film about freestyle skiing in places selected for their natural beauty and terrain, including France, New Zealand and Japan. You will see back country kickers and freeriding, hardcorde street jib sessions, crazy snowpark sessions. It's a constant search of fresh snow, dream conditions and wild tricks.
SportThe most famous drop goal in Rugby World Cup history came from the boot of Jonny Wilkinson in extra time to seal a thrilling victory for the English against Australia in their own backyard.
Sport(4–6, 7–6 (7–1), 7–6 (7–4), 6–4) After the previous year’s epic final, the 1981 final consisted of 202 minutes of gripping action and incredible tennis. Borg and McEnroe battled it out, pushing their levels of physical and mental endurance to the limit.
SportRadical Films detonates into mountain bike mayhem with "The Cackle Factor-Kranked 7". Inspired by old hipster slang for the insane asylum (the cackle factory), the film trips with stunning footage cut to a post-industrial explosion of funk, rock, reggae, hip-hop and punk. As the world spirals into madness, seemingly at war with itself, the best mountain bikers are judged against it. Join us as we freak out and explore who is insane? Us or them? Featuring epic riding sets from: Jamie Goldman, Nathan Rennie, Steve Romaniuk, Mike Kinrade, Eric Porter, Kyle Ebbett, Timo Pritzel, James Doerfling, René Wildhaber, Mike Hopkins,
SportMusica Surfica looks at the art of surfing in new ways, reminding us of the rewards of risk in learning new things. Surfer Richard Tognetti, of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, with his friend, surfing provocateur Derek Hynd, asked a diverse group of surfers, including former world champion Tom Carroll and master shaper Tom Wegener, to join them on remote King Island at the edge of the Southern Ocean, to surf - without fins. Directors and Screenwriters name: Mick Sowry. Winner Best Feature The New York Surf Film Festival.
SportJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through a gentle flowing sequence of poses structured to awaken your spirit and increase core stability for improved balance and stamina. This abdominal sequence opens with twist to help nourish and massage the spine, stimulating circulation and having a cleansing effect on internal organs. It finishes with hip openers helping to prevent lower back, knee and joint problems, and help relieve stress and anxiety.
SportWith production behind and the snow melting, Curt and Travis have no choice but to head to Alaska in an expensive last-ditch effort. Hilarious Olympic Medalist Scotty Lago joins the team for comic relief during the drive North and top pro snowboarder John Jackson meets up with the crew in Anchorage. Once at the very remote Alaskan Tordrillo Mountain Lodge, the riders get a great taste of the possibilities and the crew realizes that they have stumbled into terrain unlike anything they have seen before. But once again avalanche danger and bad weather set in and put production in jeopardy. While the riders wait for conditions
SportIs Jeremy a faster driver in real life or on a computer game? Is Mazda's new roadster faster around a track than a greyhound? Plus, the star in a reasonably priced car is Little Britain's David Walliams.
SportThe Barclays Premier League truly came of age in its 21st year and you can re-live the excitement of the 2012/13 campaign. Having lost out to their local rivals in last season’s dramatic climax, Manchester United were determined to reclaim their title, making for an enthralling contest with a historic conclusion.
SportQuatre mois après la rentrée, certains progressent plus vite que d'autres, comme Dimitri, l'attaquant réunionnais, arrivé il y a à peine un an et dont le jeu fait pâlir d'envie. Il a pus'entraîner plusieurs fois avec les pros et côtoyer Landreau, le héros du FC Nantes. Il sembleaux portes de la Ligue 1, mais deux coups durs vont freiner son ascension : une suspension de toute compétition suite à un carton rouge et l'arrivée d'un rival sud-américain. Saura-t-il relever la tête ?
SportThe sport of BASE jumping progresses when jumpers become more and more audacious turning skydiving into a world-class sport. Laws in the United States do not stop enthusiasts, Shane McConky, JT Holmes, and Miles Daisher from risking their lives as they travel to Norway to learn from the best and push their limits in the Isterdalen Valley.
SportCedric Gracia explodes into the professional world of mountain biking. Excelling in free riding, downhill, and four-cross- he blends the styles together in pursuit of a new vision for mountain biking. With high energy and a fun attitude, Cedric races against his good friend, Steve Peat, in the World Cup. He then takes a team to Bolivia where extreme elements put them to the test. Cedric risks his life on a massive line that starts at the top of the world.
Sport(3–6, 6–3, 6–7 (2–7), 7–6 (7–5), 6–4) McEnroe was the defending champion, having ended Borg's stranglehold on the event a year earlier, but he would be knocked off his perch at the end of the longest final in Wimbledon history as Connors won.
SportLa série Riddim nous invite à partager les aventures d'un surfer-globe trotteur. Ancien surfeur professionnel, Ugo s'est lié d'amitié avec des surfeurs du monde entier. A chaque épisode, il nous emmène dans une nouvelle destination à la rencontre de ses surfeurs et surfeuses qui lui font découvrir le pays. Au delà des vagues et des paysages, c'est la jeunesse d'un pays que nous découvrons, une jeunesse qui a des choses à raconter : cette saison, tous les pays choisis connaissent ou ont connu la guerre.
SportTurn out, tune on, and drop in. Skiing's counter-culture continues to buck the trends of what's come before them- this is a worldwide documentation of ski action as you've never seen it presented before. Follow the Level 1 crew as they experiment with one of the largest gap jumps ever built in Sun Valley, Idaho, hit a record snowfall in Helsinki, Finland, and harvest the vast resources of Alaska... or perhaps it's all just a lucid dream? Wake up, because Level 1 will take you on the visual trip of a lifetime. Come along for the ride!
SportAlors que Buss tente de s’associer avec un autre propriétaire de franchise, le coach West et Claire font face à des missions presque impossibles, et Earvin cherche l'amour.
SportExplorers: Adventures of the Century, follows the world’s most accomplished adventurers and explorers, always on the hunt for never-before-seen footage of human skill in the ultimate adventure scenarios.
SportFirst up, we meet Neguin, the current break dance world champion. Neguin grew up in a poor neighborhood in Brazil, and has moved to New York for more opportunities in dance. But Neguin also just loves dance for dance’s sake and he and his girlfirend surprise a few New Yorkers by staging a stunning dance performance in and around a New York subway station. We also meet Lilou, who lives in Lyon France. Lilou is of Algerian descent, and a proud Muslim, often competing in a “Don’t Panic I’m Muslim” t-shirt. Lilou is one of the world’s top B-boys, the only one to have won the world championship twice. Lilou has a b
Sport(6–2, 6–2, 3–6, 3–6, 6-4) An amazing fight where Edberg had to hold his head and stay focused, Becker very nearly stealing the trophy from under his feet.
SportUnique footage, good riding and having fun are the focus of the Sandbox Crew. With a decade of film production experience, Sandbox continues to show their knowledge and passion to produce high quality and entertaining films.
SportQui de Pacho, Vincent, Dimitri ou Fréjus varéaliser son rêve ? Que deviendront les autres,entre l'éventualité de signer dans un clubétranger, un club de Ligue 2 ou un club amateur ? Pourcertains se profile une question qu'ils auraientaimé ne jamais avoir à se poser : y a-t-il une vieen dehors du football ?
SportL'échéance fatidique approche. Pacho,Vincent, Fréjus et Dimitri vivent avec plus ou moins de difficulté cette pression croissante. L'un des jeunes en formation va jouer son premier match en Ligue 1 et, comble du bonheur, marquer un but. Autre coup dethéâtre, un autre va quitter le centre pourrejoindre un club étranger. Un troisième, en crisede confiance, va se battre lors d'un match de championnat et sera suspendu...
SportCe troisième épisode vous présente un sujet tourné dans les coulisses de Top Gear aux côtés des invités de la saison 2. Qui de JoeyStarr, Jean-Pierre Foucault ou Vincent Lagaf' a été le plus froussard ? Qui de Laury Thilleman, Ariane Brodier ou Sylvain Wiltord a été le plus studieux ? Découvrez les confidences de nos invités. Ce dernier épisode compilera également toutes les séquences préférés de nos animateurs à bord des supercars : Lamborghini Aventador SV, Porsche 918 Spyder, Audi R8 V10+, Radical RXC 500, toutes les plus belles voitures de la saison 2 vont repasser sur le grill.
SportWorld Champion Marc Marquez started his MotoGP title defence with a victory in Qatar, beating Valentino Rossi in a close battle, leaving Dani Pedrosa coming home third. During the race, Movistar Yamaha MotoGP's Jorge Lorenzo crashed out of the lead at turn 15 on the first lap, meaning his season starts with a DNF after he had struggled with grip issues throughout the weekend. Meanwhile, after eight laps the race was over for Stefan Bradl who had led the contest for several circulations. Coming from seventh on the grid and taking advantage of Lorenzo's crash and some errors ahead of him, Bradl was writing headlines for LCR
SportA 30-minute intensive cardio workout combined with strength building for total body conditioning. Using nonstop variety drawing from the best of yoga, Pilates, and aerobic conditioning, this workout works on your core strength, all of your muscles, your posture, and your stability.
SportThis program is designed in 2 parts. The first part is a high-energy plyometric workout for an effective calorie burn. The second part is a total body conditioning workout. Using nonstop variety drawing from the best of yoga, Pilates, and aerobic conditioning, this program works on your core strength, your whole body, all of your muscles, your posture, and your stability. Filled with nonstop variety, this workout will keep you motivated until the very end.
SportThis is the definitive story of the 126th Wimbledon Championship. Andy Murray's bid to win Wimbledon was ended by Roger Federer as the Swiss claimed a record-equalling seventh SW19 triumph. The ladies' title came down to Serena Williams against Agnieszka Radwanska.
SportHelp your body detox with this Ashtanga-style practice. In Day 4: Clean It Out, yoga master Rodney Yee guides you in this cleansing practice to help your body detox, supporting renewed vitality and clarity. This practice is part of Rodney Yee's Daily Yoga for Your Week, specifically sequenced to bring strength, energy and balance into your life.
SportJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through a gentle flowing sequence of standing poses designed to build power, alignment, and balance. This power yoga sequence will help improve posture. Better posture is not just good for your spine, it can also help reduce headaches, back pain, muscle spasms and posture related digestion problems. Standing yoga poses provide a calming, supportive effect on your nerves system leaving you relaxed, refreshed and ready to face your day.
SportThis one hour programme will bring to you the Rugby World Cup matches that have shocked the rugby world, and take a look at those teams who were on the cusp of greatness, only to be denied at the final hurdle.
Sport(6–7 (8–10), 6–4, 6–4, 1–6, 6–4) A young brash Andre Agassi took on Goran Ivanisevic in the decider, Agassi was the flamboyant new face of men's tennis, with an exciting style and quite outlandish fashion sense
SportWith ten years under our belt, Alterna Films hits you up with another instant classic.
Knockout 'the tenth round' stands out from the pack with highlights that include an exotic journey through India to the Himalayas. This film is a quenching blend of inventive freestyle snowboarding with a cinematic punch. Locations : India, Japan, Aspen Colorado, Mammoth California, Whistler Backcountry, Mount Washington, Grouse Mountain, Montreal Quebec, Austria and Slovenia. Riders : Matt Belzile, Chris Dufficy, Seb Toots, Takaharu Nakai, Tadej Valentan, JF Fortin, Matt Beardmore, Greg Maxwell, Craig Beaulieu and friends.
SportDans ce deuxième épisode inédit, découvrez la suite du challenge RMC / BFM TV initié en saison 1. Cette année, c’est Jean-Jacques Bourdin, Éric Brunet et Apolline de Malherbe qui sont venus s’affronter sur la piste Top Gear. Laquelle de ces stars de l’info va réaliser le meilleur chrono au volant de la voiture raisonnablement peu coûteuse ? Qui résistera aux défis imaginés par les animateurs et le Stig ? Cet épisode vous fait aussi vivre des cascades spectaculaires où les animateurs ont risqué leur vie, un colin-maillard musclé dans un parc d’attraction désert au volant de vieilles voitures et un c
SportFor José María Olazábal the 2012 Ryder Cup at the Medinah Country Club completed a golfing journey. With the spirit of his friend and mentor Seve in the autumnal air captain Olazábal led his European Team to arguably the greatest sporting comeback ever. His Miracle at Medinah memories tell the candid and emotional story of how the week developed to deliver ultimate victory for José María and his team.
SportThree teams of world-class riders demonstrate new extremes of mountain biking. Industrious mountain bikers build obstacles through dense forests of British Columbia. Pro dirt jumps challenge the riders to new heights in New Zealand. Urban Free Riding brings on a new style when the riders find street lines in Amsterdam and Germany.
Sport(6–4, 3–6, 6–7(7–9), 7–6(7–3), 70–68) “If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,” Rudyard Kipling’s words best describe the longest match in history. This remarkable display of patience and pure determination must be seen by all.
SportAlors que Buss courtise de nouveaux talents, un ancien Laker réfléchit à son avenir avec la franchise, et le déménagement d'Earvin à Los Angeles n'est pas aussi magique qu'il l'espérait.
SportThe 2010/11 Barclay's Premier League was one of the most exciting and unpredictable in its history. Showcasing the biggest stories and best games; Review of the Season 2010/11 is the definitive story of how the title and survival was won, and lost.
SportA comprehensive look back at the 2014/15 Barclays Premier League campaign, in which Jose Mourinho led Chelsea to their first title in five years. From that glorious triumph to an intense relegation battle that went right down to the wire, the Barclays Premier League confirmed its reputation as the most exciting league in the world. New faces, eye-catching signings and goal scoring records, it's all here in the 2014/15 Barclays Premier League Review of the Season.
SportThe 2012 Ryder Cup will be remembered as one of the great sporting occasions in history. Late Saturday afternoon the cup was heading back to American hands, but then one man helped to galvanise the European team like no other. Ian Poulter's career is defined by the Ryder Cup. His Medinah story is both remarkable and powerful and he was the catalyst to the fantastic comeback.
SportExplorers: Adventures of the Century, follows the world’s most accomplished adventurers and explorers, always on the hunt for never-before-seen footage of human skill in the ultimate adventure scenarios.
SportRelax and release tension and stress. Yoga master Rodney Yee guides you in a gentle practice designed to ease the body into a state of deep rest while quieting the mind. This practice is part of Rodney Yee's Daily Yoga for Your Week, specifically sequenced to bring strength, energy and balance into your life.
SportJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through a flowing sequence of heart openers. Back bends prevent the arteries of the heart from thickening and increase lung capacity thereby increasing circulation to the rest of the body. This series of power yoga poses will help strengthen your abdominal and pelvic organs while removing stiffness from your shoulders and back. Take your practice to a new level with an increased level of openness and strength.
SportProfessional mountain bikers take a road trip through the diverse landscapes of Israel. Fabien Barel gets a rush of adrenaline on a steep line through unexpected terrain. Cedric Gracia finds an ultimate road gap on Mount Sodom.
SportJT Holmes and Shane McConkey share the dream of combining skiing and base-jumping. They find themselves in Bella Coola, BC where the primary objective is to go where no one has ever considered by skiing the “closeout line.” They then take on Europe’s most iconic peak, the Eiger. In the mountains of western Norway they ready themselves for a stunt that had never been attempted before, a wingsuit ski base.
SportWith some of the most challenging terrain on Earth being in the United States, two crews of world-class mountain bikers are sent out to create their own. The first crew travels from the Black Hills of South Dakota to Lake Alcova, Wyoming exploring exotic dirt terrain. Meanwhile crew number two tours Northern New England on motorcycles to find challenging dirt jumps near Laconia, New Hampshire. Both crews learn that if you search hard enough, what’s born in the USA is the Ultimate Rush.
SportThe French were contained to kicking from three points in the 1999 final as a lucklustre performance was capitalised on by a determined Wallabies outfit.
Sport(6–7(10-12), 7–6(7-5), 6–4, 6–2) Pete Sampras was the king of Centre Court throughout the 1990's, although Rafter won the 1st set, the day would belong to Pete Sampras, as he won the fourth set in the gathering darkness of Centre Court to win the match and re-write the record books.