In 1429, in the midst of the Hundred Years’ War between England and France, after England had invaded and subjugated the north of France, a seventeen year old French farm girl named Joan of Arc (“Jeanne d’Arc” in French) received divine visions from Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria to expel the English and have Charles VII restored as King of France. Despite her youth, sex and complete lack of military experience, she succeeded in persuading Robert de Baudricourt, the garrison captain at the nearby town of Vaucouleurs, for passage to the French Royal Court in exile to speak with Charles VII. Inconceivably, Joan subsequently also succeeded in persuading Charles VII to give her command of his army. With God on her side, Joan led the French forces into battle, paving the way for eventual victory in the war. Tragically however, Joan herself was captured by the English. She was tried for heresy, found guilty and burned at the stake when she was just nineteen. Centuries later, Joan of Arc was canonized as a Saint of the Roman Catholic Church. This movie is one of very few in cinematic history to have Joan of Arc played by an actual teenager. Leading lady Caitlin Deerin was, at the time of filming, exactly the same age Joan of Arc was at the beginning of her mission.