In the third season of Unforgettable, Carrie Wells (Poppy Montgomery), a detective with a flawless memory, continues to work alongside partner and ex-boyfriend Al Burns (Dylan Walsh) in the Major Crimes Section of the NYPD. Although an old flame from Al's past resurfaces and Carrie finds herself interested in a handsome Secret Service agent, the two will continue their close and flirty friendship. This season features cases involving a hometown boxing hero’s death, a bombing, a government scandal and a murder accusation within the team.
Titre | Durée | Prix | ||
1 | New Hundred | 40:57 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
2 | The Combination | 41:05 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
3 | The Haircut | 42:50 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
4 | Cashing Out | 43:10 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
5 | A Moveable Feast | 41:32 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
6 | Stray Bullet | 43:21 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
7 | Throwing Shade | 43:17 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
8 | The Island | 41:19 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
9 | Admissions | 43:21 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
10 | Fire and Ice | 42:52 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
11 | True Identity | 43:11 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
12 | Moving On | 43:22 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |
13 | DOA | 42:53 | USD 0.99 | Regarder |