Elementary follows eccentric detective Sherlock Holmes, as he is forced by his wealthy father to live with his worst nightmare: a sober companion. Dr. Watson was a successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her medical license four years ago. She sees her current job as another opportunity to help people, and as penance for her past. Sherlock is convinced that his own post-rehab regimen--resuming work as a police consultant--is better than any of the help Watson can provide, and she has no choice but to accompany him on his jobs. Her medical background proves helpful, and Watson soon realizes a knack for investigation. In Season Two, the pair has made a name for themselves as a successful crime-solving duo that can crack the NYPD’s most impossible cases. They’ll return to solve mysteries from the past, get mixed up with the mob, and come face to face with their greatest adversaries.
Titre | Durée | Prix | ||
1 | Step Nine | 43:18 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
2 | Solve for X | 43:17 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
3 | We Are Everyone | 43:23 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
4 | Poison Pen | 43:20 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
5 | Ancient History | 43:14 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
6 | An Unnatural Arrangement | 43:18 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
7 | The Marchioness | 43:22 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
8 | Blood Is Thicker | 43:16 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
9 | On the Line | 43:20 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
10 | Tremors | 42:45 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
11 | Internal Audit | 43:22 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
12 | The Diabolical Kind | 43:20 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
13 | All in the Family | 43:22 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
14 | Dead Clade Walking | 43:24 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
15 | Corpse de Ballet | 43:16 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
16 | The One Percent Solution | 43:24 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
17 | Ears to You | 43:16 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
18 | The Hound of the Cancer Cells | 43:18 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
19 | The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville | 42:06 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
20 | No Lack of Void | 41:52 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
21 | The Man With the Twisted Lip | 43:18 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
22 | Paint It Black | 43:20 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
23 | Art in the Blood | 43:22 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
24 | The Grand Experiment | 43:12 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
25 | Elementary: A Look Into Season 2 | 01:44 | Saison seulement | Regarder |
26 | Behind the Scenes: 'Step Nine' | 03:33 | Saison seulement | Regarder |
27 | Audio Commentary With Lucy Liu: Paint It | 43:15 | Saison seulement | Regarder |