The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror Collection I

The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror Collection I

The Simpsons

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date de sortie: 2009-10-19
  • Note consultative: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 6
10,094 Votes


The Simpsons' annual Treehouse of Horror has become as much a part of Halloween as tricks or treats and bobbing for apples.  This collection includes the first ever Halloween-themed Simpsons episode, including the Twilight Zone parody "Hungry Are the Damned."  The collection also features such modern classics as "The Devil and Homer Simpson," where Homer trades his soul to the devil for a donut; "Citizen Kang," where aliens kill both candidates for President in order to take over America; and "Life's a Glitch and then you Die," a terrifying look at the 21st century — almost as frightening, in fact, as things have actually been.  Each spine-tingling spectacular is "funny ha ha," not to mention "funny uh-oh," and taken together they're some of the scariest, most hilarious Simpsons segments of all time.  So get your fright on, download these goodies, and make every day Halloween with The Simpsons!


Titre Durée Prix
1 Treehouse of Horror 23:15 USD 1.99 Regarder
2 Treehouse of Horror IV 22:58 USD 1.99 Regarder
3 Treehouse of Horror VII 22:48 USD 1.99 Regarder
4 Treehouse of Horror X 22:35 USD 1.99 Regarder
5 Treehouse of Horror XIII 22:36 USD 1.99 Regarder
6 Treehouse of Horror XVI 22:11 USD 1.99 Regarder

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