A reimagination of the beloved sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" set in modern-day America through a new, dramatic take on Will's complicated journey from the streets of West Philadelphia to the gated mansions of Bel Air. As these worlds collide, he reckons with the power of second chances while navigating the conflicts, emotions and biases of a world far different from the only one he's ever known.
Titre | Durée | Prix | ||
1 | Dreams and Nightmares | 59:09 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
2 | Keep Ya Head Up | 46:03 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
3 | Yamacraw | 48:04 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
4 | Canvass | 45:33 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
5 | PA to LA | 48:16 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
6 | The Strength to Smile | 48:07 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
7 | Payback's a B*tch | 48:20 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
8 | No One Wins When the Family Feuds | 47:49 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
9 | Can't Knock the Hustle | 51:41 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
10 | Where To? | 50:12 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |