Disney's American Dragon: Jake Long is a coming-of-age comedy-action series about Jake Long, a 13-year-old Asian-American boy. Jake strives to find balance in his life as a skateboard-grinding New York teen while learning to master his mystical powers as the American Dragon, protector of all magical creatures secretly living in the human world. Jake's life takes hilarious turns as he juggles his grandfather-guided training regimen with all the social hurdles of adolescence, including the pursuit of his dream girl — whose alter ego turns out to be his arch-villain's protégé.
Titre | Durée | Prix | ||
1 | Old School Training | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
2 | Dragon Breath | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
3 | The Talented Mr. Long | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
4 | The Legend of Dragon Tooth | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
5 | Act 4, Scene 15 | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
6 | Adventures In Troll-Sitting / Fu Dog Tak | 22:41 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
7 | Professor Rotwood's Thesis | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
8 | Dragon Summit | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
9 | Body Guard Duty | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
10 | Shapeshifter | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
11 | The Ski Trip | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
12 | The Long Weekend | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
13 | Eye of the Beholder | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
14 | Jake Takes the Cake | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
15 | Hong Kong Nights | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
16 | The Halloween Bash | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
17 | Fu and Tell / Flight of the Unicorn | 22:41 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
18 | Keeping Shop | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
19 | Ring Around the Dragon | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
20 | The Hunted | 22:42 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
21 | The Egg / The Heist | 22:41 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |