This season, 10 contestants fight to survive in the Canadian wilderness on the shores of Chilko Lake, British Columbia. Equipped with just 10 items and a camera kit, each participant must survive in total isolation, with the hopes of lasting the longest and winning the $500,000 prize. This season, they also face the deadliest predator in North America: the grizzly bear.
Titre | Durée | Prix | ||
1 | The Hunted | 1:02:27 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
2 | Open Season | 1:01:44 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
3 | Chewed Up | 1:01:41 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
4 | Far From Home | 1:02:59 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
5 | The Buck | 1:02:02 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
6 | Smoked | 1:02:03 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
7 | Surrounded | 1:01:57 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
8 | The Grizzly | 1:01:20 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
9 | The Troll | 1:02:53 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
10 | All In | 1:02:13 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
11 | The Reckoning | 1:01:31 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |
12 | Ultimate Moments | 41:51 | USD 1.99 | Regarder |