Friends & Family Christmas

Friends & Family Christmas en streaming et téléchargement

  • Genre: Drama
  • Date de sortie: 2023-12-17
  • Film Complet: 1h 24min
  • Réalisateur: Anne Wheeler
  • Société de production: Front Street Pictures
  • Pays: Canada


Dani, who has recently moved to New York to pursue an art career, can’t wait to celebrate Christmas week with her circle of artist friends. Together, they're putting on several fundraising events for their artists lab. Slammed with responsibilities to plan the lab's amazing Christmas week, Dani isn't going home for the holidays this year. But when her Christmas-crazy parents surprise her with a visit so they can relive all the Christmas traditions she grew up with, Dani finds herself torn between her 'chosen' family and her biological family. Her parents are even trying to fix her up with Amelia, a family friend’s appealing, if Christmas-averse, daughter. To try and accommodate both, Dani and Amelia decide to throw caution to the wind and start up a fake relationship. Pretending to date will keep both their sets of parents in line, and make sure Amelia has a date to her office Christmas party where she hopes to impress several important partners. As her pretend relationship with Amelia starts to become more real, Dani will learn that old traditions are as important as new ones, and you need all kinds of family in your life. However when she finishes her final photography project and is given a prestigious travel grant, Amelia is hurt, thinking Bridget is leaving just as they were about to start a relationship. With the help of all her friends and family, Dani creates an elaborate display to prove her feelings to Amelia and the fake couple share a very real kiss.

Friends & Family Christmas Trailer, Bande annonce


Friends & Family Christmas Friends & Family Christmas Friends & Family Christmas
