Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti

Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti en streaming et téléchargement

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Date de sortie: 2016-02-26
  • Film Complet: 1h 31min
  • Réalisateur: Richard Boddington
  • Société de production: Enigma Pictures
  • Pays: Canada, South Africa


For bickering siblings Ryan and Emma it was going to be a fun weekend visit with their dad at his job in Africa. But when their small plane crash-lands in the Serengeti, they have only each other – along with their fellow passenger, a Malamute named Chinook – to rely on. The rescue teams are searching. Their mom (Jeri Ryan) is panicked. Can brother, sister, and one courageous dog learn how to conquer their fears and trust each other in the most beautiful yet untamed wilderness of all?

Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Trailer, Bande annonce


Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti
