Strawberry Shortcake: Campberry Stories

Strawberry Shortcake: Campberry Stories en streaming et téléchargement

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Date de sortie: 2016-05-31
  • Film Complet: 1h 6min
  • Réalisateur: Bob Hathcock


On a fun campout, Strawberry Shortcake and her pals try to see who can tell the most outrageous story. Plum, Cherry and Orange become part of a very funny “Tall Tale Trio.” In “Berry Big Tale-Teller,” Sour describes an adventure with her sister, Sweet. And Apple tells them about the action in “The Berry Bitty Great Race.” It’s going to be a berry big decision to choose the best tale!

Strawberry Shortcake: Campberry Stories Trailer, Bande annonce
